Thursday, April 3, 2008

Week 12: Wrap up; social networks and catch up

*cue fanfare*

Social Networks

Networking is very important in Libraries. It is important to build up a list of contacts in order to share ideas. When working on our HSC website, instead of going from scratch I looked at other Library websites and found content already created. I contacted those responsible for their web content and asked for permission to copy and modify. I was not knocked back. This would most likely have been a different story in a competitive, private industry. Just one of the benefits of working in Libraries.

Which brings me to the reason why I've been really churning out the blogs. I have been offered a job in the Pacific Islands Trade and Investment Commission, Sydney, and I have accepted. This means that I will no longer be working in public libraries.

I still really wanted to finish this fantastic and rewarding learning program though, and have made it a priority.

I will be using my facebook account to keep up with the library colleagues I have who are savvy enough to have an account. I haven't looked at my myspace account for ages, it doesn't seem as popular anymore.

I was surprised to see the map from LeMonde showed that in the Asia Pacific region Facebook is so unpopular that it didn't even register on the bar graph! If I'd been made to guess I would have placed it in first position. Very interesting. And bebo is number one in Europe! I thought that was just for pre-teens... I'm getting old.

Interesting to read how other Libraries are using social networking. Such as embedding videos and using widgets. I would probably think that Blogs would be better suited perhaps. Just MHO.

Applying a new social media framework from Forrester to the cultural sector

This artical which Seb Chan spotted Is exactly the sort of thing we need to know about. I can see that these tools have a way to go before becoming mainstream, however it certainly is exciting to be aware of of the future at such an early stage.

Second Life

I made an account in Second Life pretty soon after it went online. My laptop couldn't handle the graphics and my net connection was unbearably similar to the three toed mammal that features in the seven deadly sins.

It is good that Libraries are getting in there though. The online world will continue to grow in virtual size and complexity. And popularity.

The online world I'm waiting for is Playstation Home. This will be similar to Second Life in many aspects only, in my opinion, a billion times better. I hope they don't let me down.

To finish.

Once again, thank you very much to the NSWPLN team (Ellen, Mylee [who also taught me how to do story-time!], Kathleen A, Leanne, Oriana, Shauna and Victoria) for their initiative, forward thinking and hard work.

I have been encouraging everyone here at Lane Cove Library to get stuck in and I know that my managers are also very interested in getting the staff involved. I believe this is very important. My colleagues and friends need to upskill themselves as much as possible otherwise they will, if they are unlucky, simply lose their jobs to a more competitive private industry who will select your books, catalogue them, process them, and eveything else while qualified librarians end up either quitting or shelving from 9-5 every weekday. And that's only up until someone invents a shelving robot.

The message is clear, learn about the future
become a robotics engineer.

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