Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 5 - Wikis

Best thing about this week by a long shot is Wookieepedia Now that's MY kind of wiki :)

Also the full Library Success: A best practices wiki I'm actually putting this link here for myself. It'd probably just get lost in my favourites.

Editing pbwiki "NSWLEARNING2"

As instructed I have added a page to the Learning 2.0 wiki. Specifically I have added Community Information Librarian. I have no idea why the link I created, on the home page, is underlined in red. :S (BTW that's an emoticon that means "worried.") I'm :S because red and underlined normally means error. But then I saw the same thing all over pbwiki's style guide page which, if true, would be rather ironic. Perhaps its just because I was the author of the link or the page it links to. Hmm. Well, at least I'm learning something new.

What types of applications within libraries might work well with a wiki?

I think the example given, the library procedures, is a good one - with limitations. Good because everyone always seems to think of things to add to the library procedures manual and so scribbles it in using a pen and terrible writing (so a wiki would be more organised and neat. Bad because everyone seems to think of things...

You get it.

And finally, for this week's bonus points, I have edited the Wikipedia article on Lane Cove and added a link to our Library's website. Not Earth shattering. But definately felt cool to have contributed.

(Image source : Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary)


pls@slnsw said...

Thanks for your observations and for sharing the photos. Sounds like you are really enjoying your Learning 2.0 adventures and making some real local connections with the technologies.
Hope you continue to have fun with the program.
Kathleen A

Chris said...

Hi Kathleen,

Yes it is enjoyable. Thanks for your comment!

I simply am astounded that the Learning Team is able to monitor all the blogs and even make comments.

Well done to you all and thank you.